Rejuvination of THEORY

So.......after the overhaul of my closet on Sunday, I discovered a Theory suit jacket that I had purchased two years ago. Theory pieces are very expensive, but I had picked mine up at Filenes Basement for a fraction of the price ($70.00 vs the full retail of $398!).....I had never worn it before because I had been in search for the Theory pants that match. When I pulled it out of my closet I stared long and hard trying to figure out how I could use this tailored, grey jacket when it dawned on me that maybe if I just rolled up the sleeves it would reveal something! Anything! And it did.....a sharp pin stripe on white! Perfect.....paired with jeans, an interesting top, and flats I knew I could make it work - in theory, my Theory jacket would look delicious and this morning it did!!!!!