Asparagi Verdi: Part of a Well Balanced Wardrobe
kiki's Asparagi Verdi:
(serves 2, easy enough to adapt to more)
Asparagus (one bundle)
2 Tomatoes (preferably yummy heirloom ones cut in 4 wedges per plate, but as seen above I only had grape - I am a big believer in using what you have in your kitchen!)
2 hard boiled eggs
Olive Oil (don't skimp here! This is one of the most important staples in your kitchen, so spend the $$ and buy a good one!)
Sea Salt crushed
Cracked Pepper
Directions: Flash steam your asparagus and I really mean just that. You want these guys crisp and fresh with full gorgeous natural flavor. When done, run immediately under cold water to stop the cooking process. Put aside. Cut your tomatoes (whatever kind you are using). Put aside. Drizzle olive oil on your individual plate. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper. Put your tomatoes on the side of the plate. Add your asparagus in a "fiber" pattern across from your tomatoes. Carefully slice your egg width wise and lay over the top of your veggies. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle (to your liking) with sea salt and pepper. Just remember, get one piece of each in every bite - you will notice the balance and life that they give one another. Serve w/ a hearty baguette and your fave bottle of wine!!! Eat and enjoy a well balanced wardrobe.