

If these walls could talk, what would they say?

As we get ready to close one very long chapter of our lives, we reflect on what we have endured and accomplished..... is it time to be sad? Is it time to be happy? Is it bittersweet? 

Lists of Note - In the Spirit of Nora Ephron -

*The "things" that happened in the last 12 years*

Got Married....

....witnessed family and friends get married

then divorced...

...made new friends

rekindled old friendships....

...lost jobs

gained jobs...

...built our family one puppy at a time

drank a lot of wine...

...rehabbed a boat

bought a bigger boat...

...fought, laughed, cried, yelled

ran three marathons and many half marathons...

...lived with a roommate

survived a recession...

...learned to love cooking

quit smoking....

...lost our amazing grandmas

started a blog in their namesake...

...became an auntie and uncle..twice

celebrated milestone birthdays - 25, 30, 35...

...survived a terrorist attack and terrorists... is that your boat?

went to Asia...

...traveled to many other far off places

began a new chapter...


In a time of fierce disruption and anxiety, I am trying to look up, look around, and breathe it all in. Change is good. Change is evolution. Change is everything.

I will fondly remember, I will fondly forget, all the things that have happened and things I will never regret. 

For here is where we became we.

And there is where we will become us.

There are no happy endings.
Endings are the saddest part,
so just give me a happy middle
And a very happy start. 

